Sunday, February 23, 2014


The beginning of my week started with rolling an old art deco vanity on a dolly into my work room.
The plan was to take it apart and make a pair of nightstands. I even took some photos of different
angles to show you how I was going to do it, thus this sideways before photo.
I hummed and hawed for a while before committing to the deconstructions because I really liked
the pair of drawers in the middle. Its an unusual characteristic of these pieces.

I had the right size legs to make it tall enough to sit at and I could reused the
wood that was originally on the bottom to make new back legs, so I choose to save it.
Below, you can see the faded area where I stole the wood from to make the back leg.

Shes been painted in a creamy white and soft pink. I have a very specific recipe for the pink if you
 want to use it. I started with a quarter can of ASCP Old White, a single drop of Emperors Silk, and
3 drops of Coco. ASCP are very strongly pigmented especially the red so be cautious.




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