Tuesday, January 28, 2014

apologies to my readers

update from my friend jeff branch has fixed the problem !! gold star for jeff ! heres the recipe if you have a blog of your own:

"The lightbox feature is back, but Blogger has added a setting to disable it. From your dashboard go to Settings, then under Settings, find Formatting and there is an option: Open Images in Lightbox, where you can select no. This worked for me.

worked for me too ... what a relief ... thanks again jeff

theyre baaaaaaaack !!!!! aaaaahhhhhhh !!!!! the slideshows are back ..and i STILL hate them !!!!!

9/25 .. update
well now i have to take back my rant on google below. miraculously, my blog is now back and working how it used to work. click the photo; it gets bigger, like always. unless will did something that i dont know about, i give google a gold star for hearing bloggers complaints.

well, the folks at blogger seem to think they know how i want the photos to be displayed on my blog. after 4 years with them, they have now decided that everyone wants to see facebook slide shows when they click on an image ... that feature disconnects the photos from my text and effectively pretty much ruins the continuity of a post. it also, at least at my house, now takes every blog post longer to load. my apologies. this new format is not my choice and unless they change it or unless will can figure out how to work around it, ill most likely be looking to move to wordpress or some other platform. in the meantime, thanks for your loyalty, comments and support ... well see what happens...

dan mosheim
dorset custom furniture

ps ... after a little reflection, the lightbox thing kind of works but you have to wait for all the pictures from each post to load (which may or may not be a problem, depending on the speed of your connection,) before you see them. to exit the slide show, just click anywhere outside the box, which will return you to the post.

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