Sunday, February 23, 2014


Back when I shared our new bedroom layout and decor I left out a small area in the photo line up.
Many who know my home couldnt understand the layout of where the tufted love seat
ended up. Thats primarily because I didnt share the space next to it where the printer resided.
Im not a huge fan of showing ever square inch of my home and I knew things might not make sense for some of my readers, but I write this blog to share beautiful things and useful solutions so until I
figured out this problem thats the way it was going to stay.
You may have surmised by now I found the solution ...

I acquired this trunk from someone in the downsizing process and had plans to pass it along,
Until I realized the size and shape just might be exactly what I needed to house the printers.
All I needed to do was raise it up on a piece of wood so the door could swing open over the rug,
and make a shelf inside to utilize all the space. The trunk has made printing fun, quiet,
and best of all we are not tripping over the second printer sitting on the floor.
Which means Kat doesnt have to find a place to hide because mommy is yelling at a machine.
And this weeks ETSY updates, we have several updated photos and lots of new listings:
Happy Holidays only 12 More days to Christmas!!!
where does the time go???

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